Storytelling Program for Early Childhood Education: Preschool, Co-op, Parent Groups

What will you find in this program plan?

In this plan, you will be able to find information about the “Design Challenge” proposed by the Children’s Creativity Museum (CCM) and some elements that I consider while managing an art program. I designed the mock programs based on the museum’s mission and vision.

In the Introduction, I developed a rationale for the proposal, some long-range goals and challenges. In the Program Curriculum, I present two sample proposals for the Early Birdles and the Junior Field Trip programs. The curricula proposed contain specifications about age groups, subjects, skills developed, learning objectives, materials, facilitation, and Visual Arts Standards for California Public Schools. In the Facilitation Style component, I draw on specific styles, hints, and techniques for a successful creative facilitation. In the Staffing Model section, I draft a graphic with essential elements that are present when thinking about staffing for programming. In the Program Implementation section, I add Preliminary Action Plan to illustrate how I manage operational management in a simplified table of essential procedures that might take place in the program implementation. In the Evaluation section, I summarize some possibilities and approaches to develop an evaluation plan for the program.

There is also the marketing component that received special attention in this program plan. The section Program Marketing Plan displays some of the main components that I consider while working with marketing. Information such as marketing goals, challenges, demographics, tactics, implementation, budget, and evaluation are fundamental to organize strategies.

1 thought on “Storytelling Program for Early Childhood Education: Preschool, Co-op, Parent Groups

  1. Pingback: Why is a play-based approach in schools a good idea? « Kindermusik with Amanda

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